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If I adopt a senior dog, will it have bad habits? #ASKHSSA

Old dog; new tricks.

Adopting an older dog or cat can be incredibly rewarding. Puppies and kittens are always a popular choice and are usually adopted very quickly. Older animals, on the other hand, have a harder time finding a family for several reasons. One reservation many people voice is that they want a dog that can be trained and the assumption is an older dog cannot be trained.

The old adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” has had a damning effect on the way many households view older pets; especially dogs. It’s a question we hear frequently when potential adopters are considering an older dog: “If I adopt a senior dog, will it have bad habits?”

While it must be said that it depends on the dog, it is also necessary to point out that many dogs in our care have troubled pasts. Strays have to learn quickly how to survive on the streets and in the desert, while other dogs have suffered neglect or abuse. Behavioral consequences can occur in these cases and it takes a lot of time and love for these dogs to overcome those challenges.

With all that being said, you absolutely CAN teach an old dog new tricks (or, break their bad habits)! Our Behavior Programs Supervisor, Bailey Heater says teaching a senior dog is no different than teaching any other dog.

It depends on the dog and it depends on the person. Bailey pointed out that many of the reasons someone might dismiss a dog for being “too old”, are the same reasons another person might prefer to adopt a senior pet. Lower energy levels might be preferable to someone who just wants a dog that enjoys cuddling, whereas an adopter who wants a little ball of energy is better suited to the puppy life.

Older dogs tend to be much better at adjusting to a new home, too. They also tend to demonstrate their gratitude to their new forever family for getting them out of the shelter environment. It is not uncommon to see an older dog, who while in a kennel appears bored and uninterested transform into an enthusiastic, smiling, tail-wagging friend for life.

It’s also about managing your own expectations. An older dog may be set in its ways, so expecting them to behave exactly as you want them to without any guidance is an unrealistic expectation.

You can meet some of our favorite senior pets at our upcoming Family Fun Adoption Night on Friday, August 2nd, 2019.


Why are two kittens better than one? #ASKHSSA

Adopting a kitten is a big decision

The time and care to raise a kitten is a lot of work! So, why would adopting two kittens be better than adopting just one? That’s a reasonable question and one we’re happy to answer.


For starters, and this might seem obvious but shouldn’t be understated, adopting two kittens means they’ll never be lonely. Kittens rely on each other in many ways. Providing one another comfort, safety, and warmth; having a buddy helps young kittens grow into well-adjusted, happy, and healthy cats.


It’s easier than just one kitten. Believe it or not, having a second kitten can make caring for them easier! Ask anyone who has owned just one kitten how many times they’ve had trouble finding a hidden kitten in their house. Having two means it’s actually easier to keep track of the little furballs.

Plus, raising two kittens helps reinforce the positive behaviors in both when they play together, eat together, sleep together, etc.


Kittens that grow up together for the above reasons also have fewer behavioral problems. Learning how to be a cat is tricky but having a pal to help learn those behaviors makes it much easier. Cats that are confidant and trusting simply make better pets.

Cats who are left to their own to figure out what is and isn’t good behavior have a harder time building confidence and trust.

Wait, there's more!

A few other great reasons include cuter photos, twice the cuddles and double the love – all of which are important but the most important reason of all is that when you adopt two kittens you will be saving two lives instead of one!

Now that you see why two kittens are better than one, it’s time to visit the many available cats and kittens in our care and take advantage of our many adoption specials!

Will he be a good 'Dog Dad'? #ASKHSSA

He’s a great guy. He just might even be ‘The One’, but how do you know if the love of your life will be the dog dad that your pooch needs and deserves?

Being in a relationship is a wonderful and, sometimes wonderfully complicated, affair – especially when pets are involved. In many relationships, long before the thought of having a child with someone arises, the question “How do you know if your boyfriend will be a good father to your beloved dog?” gets asked. After all, your dog is a part of your life; a part of your family. It’s only natural to want to know if the man in your life is a responsible pet owner, too.

1. For starters, we’ll take it as read that you’re a great judge of character.

Not everybody is, but hopefully, we’re talking about generally decent human beings to begin with. Likewise, let’s assume that you yourself are a terrific and responsible pet owner. You ensure your dog’s health and happiness and do the things every day that are needed to adequately provide your dog with great care. That’s a great starting point in determining if your man will be a good dog dad.

2. Does he concern himself with your (or his own) dog’s health?

Does he actively participate and provide physical exercise and mental stimulation for an active and healthy dog? Does he know your dog’s nutritional needs? Ask yourself, if you sent him to the store for dog food, would he know which kind your dog eats? If he noticed your dog was acting ill, would he attentively listen to the vet at pooch’s veterinary visit?

3. Is spending time with - not just you - but your dog an important activity for him?

We’re not saying your clingy, but relationships are a time commitment. Spending time with a dog is one of the ways a deep bond is created between a dog and a human. Playing and exercising is one thing, cuddling on the couch, talking to your dog, and even napping are excellent signs your boyfriend is being a good dog dad.

4. Does your boyfriend have the patience needed to be a good dog dad?

Fathers are often thought of as disciplinarians, and that is true, too, with dog dads. Does your guy know when a firm “No” is called for and when to reward good behavior? Dogs that know and trust their master’s expectations are happier and feel more secure in their roles within the household dynamic. Providing guidance to a dog means more than just scolding a dog.

5. Lastly, boyfriends, like dogs, can be trained!

Not everyone has experience with being a dog owner and that doesn’t mean your partner can’t become a great dog dad. Sometimes a little practice and a little demonstrative dog ownership is all that’s needed for your dreamboat to become your dreamy dog dad, too.

If you know you've got the guy, and now that you're certain he'd make a great dog dad, take advantage of our Paws for Pops Father's Day adoption prices!

Can my dog learn to read? #ASKHSSA

You might think the answer is a short and sweet “nope”, but your four-legged fur baby could also end up surprising you with their ability to seemingly comprehend the written word.

While we’re not suggesting you dust off your college copy of Ana Karenina and chuck it to your dog, there have been cases where certain dogs have exhibited behavior that would indicate they can understand some printed words.

Cognition, or the ability to think and understand the world through sensory perception, is a complicated enough topic when discussing human intelligence. Animals, as they say, are an entirely different kettle of fish.

Dogs who demonstrate the ability to read and comprehend specific words are probably not “reading” in the way that we think of reading. Instead, it is likely these dogs are picking up on subtle cues to determine what behavior is expected of them. Just because the dog knows to sit when he is shown the word “sit”, doesn’t mean the dog has read the word and understands it.

Sorry, Fido probably won’t be reading bedtime stories to the kiddos anytime soon.  The opposite, however, is a very beneficial activity! Our Paws and Pages Literacy Program gives children the opportunity to improve their reading skills while giving shelter pets a non-challenging way to socialize and interact with people. Reading to shelter pets decreases their stress levels and improves their interactions with people. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Check out our Paws and Pages Literacy Program here.

This year, as part of our celebration of our 75th Anniversary, the Paws and Pages Literacy Program is hosting a very special 4th of July Patriots, Paws and Pages event. Veterans and active-duty personnel can read to shelter pets to help soothe them during a night that is difficult for many shelter dogs.

Learn more about Patriots, Paws and Pages, and all of our 75th Anniversary festivities, here.

Should I adopt a bunny? #ASKHSSA

It’s hard to deny how incredibly adorable bunnies are.

Aside from dogs and cats, rabbits are one of the most popular family pets. Sadly, many people who buy a rabbit on impulse are not prepared to take care of it long-term. Easter time is an especially popular time for impulse bunny buying and consequently results in a large number of bunnies and rabbits being abandoned shortly after Easter weekend.


So, should you adopt a bunny? Like any pet, rabbits are a commitment. They require specific foods, bedding, and daily care in order to remain happy and healthy. Before hopping down the ol’ bunny trail, give this simple pet rabbit checklist to see if you are truly ready to add one of the little floppy furballs to your family:


  1. Time Commitment. Perhaps the most important aspect to keeping a pet rabbit is the time commitment. It is a common belief that rabbits are short-lived. Nothing could be further from the truth! Domestic rabbit breeds can easily live to be ten years old or older.


  1. Time Commitment Part 2. Not only are pet rabbits a long-term commitment, they also have daily needs that should be considered. While daily maintenance might only take up a few minutes, it’s still worth noting when considering keeping a bunny as a pet.


  1. Habitat. Providing a rabbit with indoor areas to run and play is a must, as is providing a hutch or other “house” with rabbit-safe bedding. Rabbits make great indoor pets. It may surprise some to learn that rabbits can be litterbox trained! If you train your pet rabbit, be sure to keep the litterbox clean. Make sure any areas you allow your pet bunny to roam has been “bunny-proofed”. Secure and protect any electrical wires and outlets and remove any items your rabbit might chew or damage.


  1. Food and water. While we’re just discussing indoor pet rabbits, all rabbits require lots of water! Making sure your pet rabbit has fresh water at all times of the day; every day, is essential. Provide your rabbit with a high-quality rabbit feed and fresh hay. Despite Bugs Bunny, rabbits should not regularly eat carrots. Learning what foods your rabbit can, should, and will eat will help you keep your pet bunny diet a healthy one.


  1. Playtime! One of the best reasons to own a pet rabbit is enjoying their playfulness. Bunnies love to play with toys. You can find a variety of cute and rabbit-safe toys at most pet stores, but bunnies aren’t picky! Cardboard tubes, like those used for paper towels, make great toys (as long as they are just cardboard and do not have inks or dyes printed on them). Giving your bunny time and space to run, play, hide and jump about is also essential to keep your curious and fun-loving pet rabbit from getting bored (which can lead to destructive behavior).


These are just the basics of what is involved in having a pet rabbit. As with any animal you are considering as a pet, do you research and ask yourself if you really are ready to care for this pet. If you understand and are ready to care for a fluffy little bunny furball, then by all means, you should adopt a bunny!

Why do you play music in the catios? #ASKHSSA

Catio = Cat Patio (just in case your didn't know!)

One cool feature of our shelter is the indoor/outdoor spaces we provide for cats. These ‘catios’ also feature a sound system so our lounging cats can enjoy some tunes! Since classical music has shown to be the favored musical genre for both cats and dogs, we play a selection of soothing and beautiful classical pieces for our feline guests.

However, that may change in the near future. Recent research into what kinds of music cats prefer has indicated that music specifically created for cats may be even more effective than human music. The research indicates that cats prefer music composed in frequencies and patterns representative of natural feline communication. The music isn’t necessarily pleasing to human ears but in the studies note that cats respond favorably to this new type of music.

So who knows? Maybe in the not-too-distant future we will see bands that perform exclusively for cats!

In fact, classical music, as a genre, is what is recommended for pets. Though, consider that a Straussian waltz would be ideal, whereas Grieg’s “In the Hall of the Mountain King”, with its bombastic and brash sound, could be stressful to your pet. In other words, selection is key when choosing music for your pets.

Bring your pet to a concert that supports homeless pets on March 9th! Gimme Shelter Rolling Stones and Rocking Originals is a day long concert featuring local bands and vendors. Don't forget dogs are invited to enjoy the grass and the rocking tunes! Learn more about this great event here. We hope to see you there!

Does my pet like music? #ASKHSSA

For humans, music is an essential part of our lives.

We listen, we dance, we sing. The human heart beat was the first drum. Animals, on the other hand, have widely different reactions to music depending on the species.  According to research conducted in the field of zoomusicology (the study of animal responses to music), cats and dogs do enjoy music.

Many pet owners leave music playing at home for their pet while at work for the day. The idea being that it provides company and comfort to what would otherwise be a quiet, uneventful day for their pets.

So, what kinds of music should you play for your pets? Interestingly, or maybe obviously for you music lovers out there, but pets prefer certain genres of music more than others. Perhaps no explanation is needed as to why loud, aggressive, high-beat music doesn’t do much to de-stress our pets while, slower-paced, symphonic classical music results in napping dogs and lounging cats.

In fact, classical music, as a genre, is what is recommended for pets. Though, consider that a Straussian waltz would be ideal, whereas Grieg’s “In the Hall of the Mountain King”, with its bombastic and brash sound, could be stressful to your pet. In other words, selection is key when choosing music for your pets.

Bring your pet to a concert that supports homeless pets on March 9th! Gimme Shelter Rolling Stones and Rocking Originals is a day long concert featuring local bands and vendors. Don't forget dogs are invited to enjoy the grass and the rocking tunes! Learn more about this great event here. We hope to see you there!

What if my partner is allergic to my pets? #ASKHSSA

Sorry to hear that!

Being diagnosed with an allergy to pets can be frustrating, especially for loving pet owners, or in this case, those who are looking at the possibility of living with a pet. Aside from the severe cases, many pet allergy sufferers have options and strategies to reduce or alleviate the symptoms of pet allergies. Allergies can affect everyone differently. Some allergy sufferers see success with some, or a combination, of the following practices. Please, consult a physician before employing any of these methods.

For many, using medication to combat the symptoms of pet allergies is the best solution. There are immunotherapy injections, nasal sprays, and topical applications that have proven to be effective. Again, consult with your doctor if this approach would be best for you or your partner.

Establish an area of your home that can be free of the pet (and pet dander). Bedrooms are a popular choice for this. It can be reasonably easy to restrict a pet’s access to a bedroom and is an area where the person with pet allergies can sleep comfortably.

Lastly, because of the nature of pet allergies, maintaining air quality can be a huge help. HEPA filters are a proven weapon against pet dander. Replacing the air filtration in your home with HEPA filters is a cost-effective measure; though using HEPA filters alongside an ionizer is even more effective.

How much exercise does my pet need? #ASKHSSA

The short answer, it varies.

While there’s merit to the old adage “If your dog is overweight, you’re not getting enough exercise”, determining what is an appropriate amount of exercise for your pet depends more on your specific pet’s needs rather than your own BMI.

Different types of dogs require different amounts of exercise. Knowing your dog’s physical activity requirements is essential. Naturally, a Greyhound needs to expend more energy everyday than a Yorkshire terrier would require.  ‘Work’ dogs such as cattle dogs and shepherds have been bred to chase and corral livestock. Many dogs need daily exercise and mental stimulation, while a ‘lap dog’ might not be an Olympic hopeful, they still benefit from physical activities.

Age is also an important factor to consider when it comes to pet exercise. Young cats and kittens use exercise to stimulate their senses and reflexes. It is play, but it’s also how cats exercise. As your cat matures into adulthood, their playfulness and physical activity wanes, but both adult and even elderly cats and dogs should receive physical and mental exercise.

Confer with your Veterinarian to determine the exact amount and level of exercise that is appropriate for your pet, then create a workout regimen and stick to it!

Does my pet love me? #ASKHSSA

Totally! Who wouldn't love you.

If you are curious about your pet’s true feelings for you, there are ways to tell! Learn to read these body language and behavioral cues and you’ll know that your fur babies really do love you!

For dogs, leaning into someone is basically a dog’s hug. Cats like to do this too, usually by pressing their forehead into your hand, or twisting between your legs. This is known as ‘distance-closing’ behavior and hey, if they didn’t love you, they’d be as far away from you as possible, right?

Eye contact is another big one. Dogs will hold your eye contact to indicate a level of trust. Return their gaze naturally, and the bond between the two of you deepens. Cats engage in something known as ‘slow blinking’. These long, slow, almost sleepy blinks are a cat’s way of displaying trust in their human. What’s even better, you can return the gesture! Next time you catch your cat slow blinking at you, reply with your own deliberate slow blinks and your cat will notice!

There’s also purring from cats and wagging tails from dogs, and don’t forget, both dogs and cats are fully capable of smiling!

Have a happy Valentine's Day from HSSA!

Will our pets get along? #ASKHSSA

My girlfriend is moving in… will our dogs get along?

First of all, congrats. Sharing toothbrush space with another human being is a big step! Asking your pets to get along is a different matter. Dogs and cats, like people, have personalities. Consider moving in with a complete stranger simply because your dog and the stranger’s dog are happy together. That’s basically what we ask of our pets when our relationships go to the next level.

Ideally, if you’re moving in together, there’s a good chance that the pets are already a little familiar with each other. Socializing pets prior to moving in together is a good idea. The more comfortable the pets are around each other, the easier the actual transition will be later.

Go slow. Allow the animals to interact gradually. Give each animal a separate room. As they become more acquainted with the new situation, allow the animals more access but always ensure each pet has a separate, safe space away from the other. Over time, most pets become accepting, or at the very least – tolerant, of one another.

It is a good idea to also monitor eating habits. Some animals can become possessive or aggressive while feeding if new animals are introduced to this activity. Separate bowls, or even separate rooms for feeding can correct this behavior.

Learn more tips and tricks of pet behavior by visiting our resources page.

Pet Photography Tips

Say cheese...

Tips for taking the best photos of your forever friends.

  1. Sit boy. Your dog will always look better in a photo if they are sitting still. Master this trick with these tips and proceed to step two.
  2. Tempt with delicious treats! After photographing hundreds of shelter pets we can tell you that almost all dogs will take pause when a treat is involved. We found that most dogs prefer smelly, jerky-like treats over biscuits.
  3. Lighting is KEY! Taking photos indoors is always going to be trickier than using natural, outdoor light. Try to take photos of your pet away from harsh shadows. The “golden hours” around dusk and dawn have proven best for us! Want a portrait of your forever friend but don’t trust your skills? Join us at Cover Dog 2019 and we will take one for you! Learn more here.

Is it safe to take my dog hiking? #ASKHSSA

Yes, but be on guard!

Hiking is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the Tucson area. However, there are some safety precautions to consider. You wouldn’t go hiking in the hottest parts of the year without ample hydration. If you’re taking your dog with you, you’re going to need to bring more water. Simply sharing the amount of water you would take for just yourself won’t cut it.

You don’t hike barefoot; neither should your dog. It’s one thing if you’re going out for a casual stroll on a shady stretch of The Loop, but if you and your dog are headed out into the desert, your dog is going to really need some footwear. Jagged rocks, cactus spines, goat heads, stinging insects – even broken glass – are all environmental hazards that can be easily avoided by protecting your pooch’s paws.

Not all hiking trails are created equal. Always check before hitting the trail head that dogs are permitted in the area. Some trails prohibit dogs and all hiking trails that do allow dogs require the dog to be leashed at all times.

Also, familiarize yourself with the types of wildlife in the area. We offer rattlesnake avoidance training for dogs! You can learn about this vital program here.

Lastly, always keep your dog’s abilities in mind. DON’T take your Chihuahua hiking through miles of the Chiricahua National Monument in 120-degree heat. DO take your Saint Bernard to Summer Haven to enjoy the snow. It all depends on your specific dog!

Did you know? HSSA’s volunteers can participate in our FAST Program allows volunteers to give selected dogs time away from the shelter for activities like jogging, hiking, or even just relaxation and socialization. Learn more at hssaz.org/help/volunteer/

Can my pet be a therapy pet? #ASKHSSA

Good question.

Before we can answer this question, it is important to know that not every pet is suited to being a therapy pet. Therapy pets are introduced to new people and new environments constantly. They must possess a high degree of socialization towards strangers – especially young children. A dog that distrusts new people or is not comfortable being pet, poked, hugged, and played with by children would not make a good therapy pet.

Therapy pets are certified. Some of the requirements for this certification require potential therapy dogs to complete obedience training. Dogs must be comfortable obeying verbal commands and must be curbed of unwanted behaviors like jumping on people or pulling while leashed. Animals that have exhibited aggression towards people or other animals should never be considered for the duties of a therapy pet. Not meeting these criteria doesn’t mean your pet isn’t great, it just means they might not be suitable as a therapy pet.

HSSA’s Pet VIP Program provides all the necessary information and classes to get your pet ready for their lives as therapy pets. Want to learn more about therapy pets and our Pet VIP program? Contact our Pet VIP Coordinator at (520) 327-6088 ext. 153.

Super Bowl Puppy Snacks

Celebrate the big game day with your favorite canines

Whether you're a Patriots fan or you back the Rams all the way, you are sure to be watching on Sunday, February 3rd. Check out these pet friendly treats you can serve up on game day.

-Football cookies for dogs

-Game Day Biscuits

-Peanut Butter Dog Treats (No cooking required!)

Remember kick off is at 6:30pm ET so you'll want to start on these snacks early and make sure everyone is ready to sit, stay, watch!

P.S. You may want to pay close attention to the super bowl commercials...

Keep your eyes peeled for our new Super Bowl commercial featuring foster care animals, our Paws and Pages Literacy program and more!

If you miss the commercial don't worry, we'll be posting it to our Facebook page later this week!

Rats enter retirement

Humane education ambassadors retire to forever homes

Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup, and Lucy have served the Humane Society of Southern Arizona Education department for the past two years.

They have joined our Education staff in school visits, Summer Camps and Birthday Pawties. These rats helped children learn about gentle animal handling, pet overpopulation and that even the smallest beings deserve respect and care.

We thank these rats for their contribution to our Education department and we look forward to follow up photos from their new, forever families!

Watch the full video here.

Letters from The Kennel: Cutest Halloween Pet Costumes Seen On Reddit

We're still recovering from this year's candy haul,

but managed to waddle over to our desks to gander at the inevitable cavalcade of the cutest pet costumes that users of the popular site Reddit have shared this Halloween. And while the popular subreddit known as r/aww is one of our guilty pleasures year round, Halloween is particularly special. Check out these cutest Halloween pet costumes seen on reddit this year. Maybe these inventive trick’r treaters will inspire your next year’s pet costume, or maybe you’ll just predictably exclaim “aww!” – either way, grab that last candy corn from your Halloween stash and enjoy these costumed critters!

1. The Creepy Crawlies


Posted by reddit user: u/BingoVivaLaLoca


Sometimes, it doesn’t take alot of gimmicky props or fancy wardrobe to make a great Halloween costume. Reddit user u/BingoVivaLaLoca shared this simple-yet-effective idea. Working with the spots rather than against them, a small amount of pet-safe dye transformed this Dalmatian into a real skin-crawler of a costume!

2. The Gourd Dog


Posted by reddit user: u/BuddyCat123


OK, we’ll admit the costume really isn’t doing that much here. Sure, it’s a cute pumpkin outfit, but its this super-adorable pup that’s doing the heavy lifting. Plop this pupper down in a pumpkin patch and, well, you’ve got yourself a ‘gourd dog’!

3. Doe, a female...dog?!?


Posted by reddit user: u/kyvvy


We did a double take over this one, just to make sure it wasn’t an actual deer in the picture. Another great example of how minimal accessories and just a touch of pet-friendly dye can really be effective. Especially if your dog already has the market cornered on looking like a deer.

4. Unbearable


Posted by reddit user: u/bmc2017


With the release of not one, but two, feature-length, live-action Paddington Bear movies, it’s not surprising that there’s been a resurgence in popularity of this lovable character. This living, breathing teddy bear got right into the spirit of the holiday with this slapdash costume and its so cute that its almost unbearable.

5. The Guardian of the Gates of 'Awww'


Posted by reddit user: u/avramce


This one takes it all the way back to the classics. In Greek mythology, Cerberus was the three-headed hound that guarded the entrance to Hades; preventing anyone from escaping. This little fluffball has a better idea. Instead of being a hideous monstrosity, just be so ridiculously cute that nobody would ever want to leave. As a side note, we don’t condone the use of choke chains. In this instance, it’s more of a piece of costume jewelry, and you can see the actual collar underneath.

6. iCute


Posted by reddit user: u/pmartin3002


He’s been portrayed on the silver screen by the likes of Michael Fassbender, Aston Kutcher, and Justin Long, but this little innovator captures that visionary-staring-into-the-future look that Steve Jobs possessed better than any Hollywood A-list actor ever could. He’s probably better at transferring photos to the cloud, too.

7. Out Ridin' Fences


Posted by reddit user: u/chesloctopus


Despite the “this is my life now” look on this cat’s face, we have to applaud the ability of its owner to dress a cat in a costume AND get its picture taken. This buckaroo is the only cat to make the list this year, but if you’ve ever tried to dress up a cat, then you know the struggle. If you did dress your cat up, we’d love to see! Send your costumed cat pics to our Facebook page!

8. Happy Little Trees


Posted by reddit user: u/SassypantRN


Beloved public access t.v. painter Bob Ross was the inspiration for this get up. When your hair-do is as famous as Bob Ross’s curly coif, it only stands to reason that it should be the starting point for a legendary ‘Dog Ross’ (or is it ‘Bob Ruff’?) Halloween costume.

9. Tripod? Tri-pawed? Just say cheese.


Posted by reddit user: e/MaxPickles


Another example of working with what you’ve got, or in this case, what you don’t. This awesome sharpshooter clearly has a leg up on life when it comes to getting subjects to smile for the camera!

10. What did BB8? Lettuce. He ate Lettuce.


Posted by reddit user: u/thuja-plicata


Here we have an interstellar tortoise that we’ll conclude our list of the cutest pet costumes that were found on Reddit.com this year. When the new Star Wars movie launched, fans flocked to stores and online retailers to get their hands on a vast menagerie of BB8 action figures, remote-controlled toys, and even plush stuffed animal versions of the little orange robot. This tortoise tops them all with this fun, hand-made costume that is out of this world, therefore we just had to be include this galactic cutie in our list.

Did you and your pets dress up? Which of the above cutest pet costumes did you like the best? Let us know! You can comment right here on our blog, or share and discuss your cutest pet costumes for Halloween on our Facebook page. And, remember if you need a new collar, leash or harness, a new food bowl or fun new toys for your bright-eyed kitten, you can get all of those things and much more at our retail locations at PAWSH La Encantada and PAWSH Park Place Mall, or come by our Main Campus at 635 W. Roger Road, to do a little tax-free shopping. Remember, it’s never too early to start planning next year’s costumes! Who knows? Maybe we’ll be talking about your cutest pet costumes next time!

How to Fund-Raise for Sweat for Pets

This marks the fourth year for SWEAT for Pets,

our popular dog walk fundraiser. Dogs and dog-walkers take over the University of Arizona’s Campus Mall for a fun, non-competitive bit of exercise! There’s the 3k course for everyone to walk, run and roll through, Geico’s Kids Fun Zone, hydration station, prizes, and there’s even a doggie costume contest. It’s fun for the whole family including your furry canine family. It’s been a very popular event in the past and this year promises to be the best SWEAT yet. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! As SWEAT for Pets approaches on October 20th, we’d like to take a moment and familiarize everyone with the simple steps on fundraising for HSSA.


Sweat for Pets is your dog’s favorite walk of the year.


So, exactly how does one go about raising funds for the Humane Society of Southern Arizona at SWEAT? That’s part of the fun! If you’ve never participated in a fundraiser before, it’s simple! Start with your own dedication to helping save the lives of homeless pets. Your registration begins your step towards SWEAT for Pets but it doesn’t end there! Your passion spills over into the lives of the people in your life. Your family and your friends all can share in that passion! Ask them to support your cause and contribute $20 or $25 to your fund.


Offer a car wash or maybe a few household chores to convince your friends and family to support you.


As you enlist others to support you at SWEAT for Pets, you start to gain momentum and next thing you know you’ve got yourself several sponsors. Don’t stop there, though! Keep the excitement (and sponsorships) growing and share your enthusiasm for what we do with your coworkers and even your boss. Helping the lives of shelter pets is something everyone can support! Got a favorite coffee shop, barber, church group, or diner? Get them involved, too!


Just because they never get your name right on the cup doesn’t mean your local coffee shop won’t help.


Lastly, you don’t have to do it alone! Make it a team effort and make SWEAT for Pets even better by getting your whole office, softball team, or pottery class involved in fundraising! It’s an incredible feeling when you see so many people in your personal life stand beside you in a cause that you (and they) believe in.



Tons of businesses and organizations come to SWEAT each year!


So, ready to do some fundraising? Great! Click here to register for SWEAT and build YOUR team to help save the lives of shelter pets at SWEAT! And, to make things even easier to get you started, take this handy Sweat for Pets fundraising road map as a resource for your fundraising adventure! SWEAT for Pets kicks off at 8 a.m. on October 20th, we’d love to see YOU there!

The Most Common Mistakes We Make According to Vets

Maybe you’ve been gently chastised by your vet for

letting your cat pack on extra pounds or letting your dog’s teeth get out of hand. But there are plenty of times that veterinarians have held back, keeping their opinions to themselves about how we’re messing up with our pets. When the question was raised in a recent Reddit thread “what common pet care mistakes are we making with our pets?”, veterinarians weighed in with gusto, prompting more than 8,700 comments.

Here’s a look at the most common pet care mistakes that we, as pet owners, make according to the mostly polite, frustrated animal docs.


Listening to other People for Medical Advice

In today’s world, it’s hard to deny that everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to pet care. Many vets weighed in about clients who argued against their advice, saying that their breeder, trainer or groomer disagreed and told them to do something else. You can find admittedly passionate (yet still wrong) pet care advice everywhere – not only from breeders and groomers, but also animal trainers, pet stores employees, farriers, your eccentric neighbor, your friend, your parents, some random guy on the street, etc., etc.

Thanks, but we prefer the advice of highly-skilled and educated veterinarians when it comes to the health of our furry family members. You wouldn’t let your barber perform your root canal; why would you listen to pet advice from Barb next door, who burned the casserole for the block party last summer?


Get it together, Barb.

Letting them Get Overweight.

Obesity is another common mistake people make with their pets. Being chubby isn’t cute or a sign of love. Instead, it can lead to all sorts of medical problems. Experts suggest you feed the best quality food you can afford, take guidelines from the bag about how much to feed and then make changes if necessary. Table scraps, junk ingredients, and overfeeding are all very unhealthy pet feeding practices. Luckily, maintaining a healthy diet for your pet is one of the easier pet mistakes to solve. Dogs and cats are fairly simple when it comes to feeding and maintaining weight. Most food manufacturers provide guidance as to how much to feed based on weight. If you follow that and your pet starts gaining weight, then you know to change something.


I can has cheeseburg-NO, YOU CANNOT

Not Taking Care of their Teeth

Vets and vet techs posted a lot about dental care, pointing out that having annual dental checkups as part of your pet’s annual exams was key. But don’t leave it to the vet to take care of your pet’s teeth. Good oral health for your pet should be practiced at home. Brushing every single day with a vet-approved toothpaste is the single most important component of your pet’s oral care. They suggest getting your pet accustomed to regular brushing. If you can’t get your furry best friend to cooperate, try dental rinses and chews.


Waddya mean say "awww"?!? I'm saying "aww"! I'm saying "aww"!

Forgoing Basic Nail Care

Do you clip or grind your pet’s nails? Many pet owners never do this for their pets. Veterinarians urge pet owners to regularly check and clip, or grind, their pet’s nails. Nails that have been left untended can result in serious and painful issues. Ingrown nails are a common and painful problem for animals with unkempt nails. These have to be surgically dug out of the animal’s flesh. Most of the time, an animal with an ingrown nail will give no outward indication that they are in pain. In return, this can cause owners to be unaware of how much their pet is suffering by not trimming their pet’s nails and this in turn can lead to costly and needless vet bills. A $5 pair of pet nail clippers, or $500 surgery? Tough decision, isn’t it?


When you said we were going to get my nails done, I thought you meant at a salon!

Not Socializing Puppies

Puppies need to experience other dogs and meet people early in their life. Puppies go through a socialization period in their development. This window for socialization closes in about fourteen weeks of their young lives. If puppies aren’t properly socialized before approximately their sixteenth week of development, it can have lasting and detrimental behavioral effects.


Socialize me.


Young pups need to be around other dogs and people in safe and controlled environments. We suggest puppy socialization classes, but arranging a play date at a friend’s house, or your own, works great, too. Notice that we are NOT saying to take them to a dog park! Ensure that the dogs your puppies will be around are healthy and vaccinated and make sure they will play nice with your puppies so that it is a positive experience for your pups.

We also encourage you to let your puppies experience as many new things as they can during the socialization phase. Introduce your puppies to humans of all shapes, sizes, and race and let them experience walking on many different surfaces; smooth tile, carpet, steps, bricks, stone, etc. Show them common household items as you use them so that your pups will not be fearful of these items later. Be sure to offer treats and praise and have fun with your puppies while socializing them!

Choosing Unhealthy Breeds

When certain dogs walk in the door, vets sigh and know they can expect a lifetime of health issues. One of the biggest pet care mistakes that many pet owners make is buying dog breeds that have low life expectancy and a proclivity for serious illnesses. Many breeds like bulldogs and other ‘flat-faced’ pet breeds are poorly bred and can be expected to result in routine and costly vet bills. It can be easy to forget that these traits were bred into these dogs and are not a natural part of the dog’s physical characteristics and therefore, not necessary. Research different breeds and consult with a veterinarian to ensure that the breed you want has a reputation for being healthy and long-lived.


Cute? Maybe. Respiratory problems? Definitely.

Skipping the Annual Checkup

Nobody likes being poked and prodded and maybe you don’t want to see your pet uncomfortable either. But it’s worth the yearly trip just to make sure there’s nothing going on with your dog or cat’s health. The health of our pets can change much more rapidly than they do in the human body. This makes sense when you compare the lifespan of your pet to your own. Vets understand that, despite their dedication to the health of your pet, your pet might not share that passion and would rather skip the office visit.


Consider that a fifteen minute visit, once a year, is worth the time and effort to ensure your pet’s continued health. In return, they give you unconditional love. Pretty fair deal, if you ask us.

What it Means to be 'Kennel Reactive'

We recently featured Periwinkle,

an adorable blonde hound who had been waiting in our shelter for over 100 days. We were becoming concerned with his increased kennel reactivity and wanted to make sure that he found a home soon. Periwinkle is a very sweet and gentle dog. We learned that about him quickly. Like many of the animals here, he did not deserve the long wait that he has had with us to find a forever home. His playful attitude and gentle disposition and cute hound dog appearance would seemingly make him a great pet for somebody! Instead he has waited patiently here for adoption while becoming more kennel reactive every day. But what does ‘kennel reactive’, also referred to as ‘barrier reactive’, actually mean?

Watch Periwinkle’s video for an example of kennel reactivity.

How Does a Dog Become Kennel Reactive?

Many dog breeds have evolved over time to become very specialized to capitalize on their genetic traits. Take K-9 dogs, for example. Their job is to sniff out contraband. Routinely tasked with finding this contraband, these dogs can become frustrated and even suffer from depression if they are unable to locate any contraband. To offset these conditions, trainers will provide these dogs with ‘patsy’ contraband to find. The dogs can then successfully feel like they have completed their task and relax. Similarly, many breeds of dogs are not meant to spend extended amounts of time in a kennel environment. It is hard for even the most even-tempered dog to withstand the frustration of seeing people and other dogs continually walk past their kennel door.


An animal shelter is just that -shelter for animals that need it. It is not a home. It is not a pet store. It is, at its best, a temporary solution for animals that need a permanent home. We get attached to the animals that we care for. That goes with the territory. We want the very best for our animals -both while they are here with us, and once they are adopted. Part of safely and humanely housing a large number of animals requires the use of kennels. This is a necessary element to ensuring each animal has safe, comfortable, and adequate housing. This, however, is a double-edged sword.

Symtoms of Being Kennel Reactive

Dogs are social animals by nature and having a barrier between themselves and the rest of the world has a very real emotional and psychological impact on many dogs. This impact on their psyche manifests itself as behavioral changes within the dog. This is the cause of kennel reactivity. Barking, growling, and whining are some of the most common and easily identifiable behaviors that can occur when a dog becomes kennel reactive, though other unwanted behaviors such as aggressive jumping and biting, can also present. It is a very difficult thing to see happening to a dog that you know to be a gentle and generally well-adjusted animal such as Periwinkle.


It also makes it all the more difficult to find a family and a home for a dog that has become barrier reactive. The public at large may not be familiar with the effects of kennel reactivity and assume the dog’s behavior while in a kennel as being indicative of their actual disposition. It is all too common for potential adopters to overlook kennel reactive dogs due to this assumption. After all, who would want to adopt a dog that is going to aggressively bark, growl, lunge? And so, problem of kennel reactivity self-perpetuates. The dog becomes more reactive, and the more reactive it is, the less adoptable it appears, the more time it spends in the kennel, the more kennel reactive it becomes, and so, on and on it goes.

A Solution for Kennel Reactive Dogs

There is a wonderful truth about this, though. Kennel reactivity can be counter-acted. The fix is a simple one. Remove the afflicted animal from the kennel for good. A normal, healthy household is what a dog needs. A loving and active lifestyle that permits the animal to behave naturally. A focus on socialization with other dogs, and properly training these dogs for walking on and off leash around other people and animals can heal a dog of its kennel reactivity. Periwinkle is a great example of this! Our spotlight video featuring him shows both his true nature; running, playing, and happy, as well as how he exhibits reactivity in his kennel. His prolonged stay within our kennels was a growing concern for all of us who have had the joy of interacting with him. We wanted to find him a home, and soon.


Periwinkle has been adopted! He is on his way home and on the road to recovering from his kennel reactivity. We hope more people will become aware of what it means for a dog to be kennel reactive. Behind these symptoms is a dog that simply needs a loving home.
