So you’re headed to SWEAT for Pets this year. That’s great!
Of course, it’s a ton of fun, but the fun isn’t just happening on the day of SWEAT for Pets. The fun really begins with fundraising for SWEAT! We’ve discussed the general steps to fundraising for our popular dog walking event. Check it out here. Armed with this knowledge we’ve been asked about which friends to enlist in your fundraising efforts for SWEAT for Pets. It’s a good question. And while we’re certain that ALL of your terrific friends will want to join you in helping raise money for homeless pets, we’ve put together the short list of 5 friends to add to your SWEAT team.
The Health Nut
An obvious choice to join you on the day is your friend who wakes up at 5 a.m. every morning for yoga, before jogging five miles to the gym. They wash down their rice cake lunch with a kale juice smoothie. They do that thing where they take their pulse while drinking water and staring at their digital stopwatch randomly during conversation. They love exercise and live a very active lifestyle. In fact, they’re probably powerwalking over to your place right now to ask YOU to join THEM at SWEAT! They’re great inspiration and will keep you and your dog motivated during the walk.
![The Health Nut The Health Nut](
![The Animal Lover The Animal Lover](
The Animal Lover
Wait, isn’t that you?!? Sure, it’s not hard to find friends who love animals, but we’re talking about your friend who isn’t just fond of their goldfish, but is truly passionate about animal welfare and animal rights. Their vanity plate reads ‘ANMLVR’ and their ringtone is just a recording of their cat purring. Perhaps they’re already a volunteer or a foster to animals in need. They’re another obvious candidate as a walking companion for you and your dog at SWEAT.
The All-Star
In school, this friend was on the track team, the debate team, the student council, and graduated top of the class. They don’t want to just go with you to SWEAT, but they want to fundraise with you, too! Maybe you refer to them as an “over-achiever”, but in reality you admire their abilities and enthusiasm. This friend makes a great addition to your team and having them by your side ensures you’ll be well on your way to achieving success with your fundraising efforts. While walking, they’ll be the cheerleader rooting everyone else on to victory. SWEAT for Pets is non-competitive, but the All-Star will still want to cross the finish line first.
![Artboard 1 Artboard 1](
![The Banker The Banker](
The Big Money Backer
This is your friend whose ship has come in. They might own their own business, or might have won big on ‘Jeopardy’, but they have the means to support your fundraising in a big way. They’re too busy to come on the walk, but they believe in the cause of helping save homeless pets – because you believe in it and they believe in you. They want to help and they’ll want to see pictures and hear about how much fun you had at SWEAT. They might even be interested in becoming a sponsor for SWEAT for Pets!
The Social Networker
This is your friend who is ready with a funny cat video, Instagrams their lunch, thumbs ups every Facebook post, and seemingly knows everyone. They are the perfect choice for you to ask to join you in fundraising for SWEAT for Pets, but even more importantly, they won’t just stop at supporting your team, they will want to reach out and recruit as many of their friends to help, too. They’ll round-up a gaggle of like-minded and fun-loving friends who will donate and participate on the day. They are also absolute pros at getting word out for you and your team on social media!
![The Social Networker The Social Networker](
Now that you know which friends to join your SWEAT for Pets team, you’re equipped to make this year the biggest and best SWEAT for Pets ever! Along with all the fun and cool sponsors and activities at SWEAT, the new event venue at the Kino Sports Complex, and having the event a little later in the year, recruiting your friends will make your SWEAT fundraising adventure a huge success. The 5th Annual SWEAT for Pets is November 16th, 2019 at North Kino Sports Complex, 2805 E Ajo Way.